Save the date! We invite you to join us on Sunday, March 10th from noon-4 p.m. for a free, family-friendly event which shares information about living sustainably. The Going Green Matters environmental fair will be held at the beautiful and historic Michigan Shores Club in Wilmette.
This year’s theme, “Waste Not, Want Not” focuses on consuming wisely and wasting less. You’ll find useful information about transportation choices, green landscaping, growing your own food, connecting with nature and more. You’ll also find out how village governments and environmental groups are working together to make our communities more sustainable.
There are activities and exhibits for people of all ages; check out the highlights.
Nature’s Perspective is proud to be a sponsor of Going Green Matters since it began 13 years ago, and we’ve watched it grow bigger and better each year. Please stop by our booth for green landscaping tips and a chance to win raffle prizes! We hope to see you there.