Monthly Archives: November 2010

12 11, 2010

Congratulations Jose Sanchez

By |2018-02-19T16:01:30-06:00November 12th, 2010|Landscape Lighting, Press Release|0 Comments

Many of you may know Jose; he probably knows your property. He is Nature’s Perspective’s Maintenance Supervisor (Tom’s right-hand man when it comes to maintenance) and does all our low-voltage lighting maintenance and repairs. Jose has worked with Nature’s Perspective since 1985. He has always been an outstanding employee with an exceptional work ethic, keen [...]

12 11, 2010

Evergreen Accents

By |2018-02-19T16:01:30-06:00November 12th, 2010|Landscaping, Plants, Seasonal Color|0 Comments

Summer’s splendor has come to an end. The lushness of lawns, trees, shrubs and flowers has faded, but a garden should be showing a quieter side just as beautiful as the previous season. Every garden should have its share of plants that provide interest during Chicago’s long winter season. Evergreens provide winter interest because they hold [...]

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