Monthly Archives: July 2018

18 07, 2018

Lawn Pest & Disease Alert: Brown Patch & Sod Webworm

By |2018-07-18T10:58:34-05:00July 18th, 2018|Diseases, Garden Pests, Lawn Care|0 Comments

The combination of hot, humid weather and hot dry spells has created the perfect conditions for two prominent lawn problems this summer. Our maintenance crews have reported sightings of both brown patch and sod webworm. In this article, we discuss their symptoms, causes and treatment.  Brown Patch Brown patch on tall fescue. Irregular patches [...]

11 07, 2018

Summer Watering

By |2018-07-11T15:39:17-05:00July 11th, 2018|Lawn Care, Maintenance, Watering|0 Comments

Shrubs showing stress from lack of water. Lack of watering makes plants more susceptible to damage and disease. Watering during the heat of the summer is mission critical to the success of your garden and plantings. The simplest rule of thumb? If your plants are looking dry, water them! Summers in Chicagoland are [...]

11 07, 2018

Perennials with Presence

By |2018-07-13T16:22:11-05:00July 11th, 2018|Birds, Butterflies, Curb Appeal, Deer resistant, Design Ideas, Easy-Care Plants, Flowers, Landscaping, Perennials|0 Comments

With summer in full swing, everything is lush and green outside. How is your garden growing? If it's in need of something that's bolder and more interesting than the ubiquitous hosta or daylily, consider adding a large perennial with presence. These summer beauties stand out not only for their height and their flowers or [...]

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